Book Review
Sheila Niles (30-B-2) FPE
DRAG, by Roger Baker, published by Triton Books, 16 Montague Mews North, London W. 1 45s (35.40 US Equivalent), 248 pp bib 2* index 6.
The review copy of this book was kindly provided by Sylvia FE-B-3, and the date of its availability in the US is still not known. However, it is of such great interest to our read- ers that a review prior to US re- lease seems justified.
The term "drag" varies in its implications with time, place and occupa- tion. The tendency in the US seems to be to equate it with the cross- dressing of some homosexuals (American Thesaurus of Slang) but in the UK the implications are almost entirely theatrical (Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English). The latter has been true at least since 1887, but in 1850 the word was cited in the phrases "Go . . ." or "Flash the drag" as wearing women's clothes for immoral purposes. This does not exclude the possibility that the phrase arose in thieves' cant, covering those who used (and regrettably do to this day) cross-dressing as an aid in robbery.
The author spends his Part I on these semantic problems and in care- fully explaining what his subject is NOT. Chapter 2 covers the drag queens pretty thoroughly, illustrated by a party which he attended. He emphasizes that the queens represent only a minority of homosexuals. He also cites considerable history of their activities and bad public rela- tions. Chapter 3 covers the transvestites as he knows us (and he really